Our Vision? We live in a context that has brought about new challenges in living authentically for Jesus and in a time where so many Young Adults are disconnected from churches/faith, we believe that God is raising up a faithful Remnant of young, passionate followers who will intentionally pursue Him, then go out and reach their own generation.

Remnant Young Adults

The Story So Far? So in 2023, we launched Remnant - a nationwide Young Adults (17+) gathering that is open to everyone who is seeking to pursue connection & spiritual formation. We’ve gathered three times this year and over 200 young adults from over 30 churches have come together & sought God. Since then, we’ve heard story after story of how God has been at work - stirring passion, raising faith & increasing devotion.

Remnant Young Adults

So What’s Next? In partnership with other church leaders, we hope to host 3 events per year that comprise key moments for a Remnant of young adults to:

1) go deeper in devotion to God,

2) think seriously about building God’s Kingdom today,

3) begin contending for a move of God in prayer together,

4) head back to local churches & communities refreshed, ready to follow Jesus sacrificially.

Our Next Gathering? Join us on Saturday 18th May at 8pm in Carnmoney Church as we think about Luke 15 and our need to ‘think small’ in order to ‘reach wide’.

Spread the word and we will see you then!

Remnant Resources? Following on from our first two gatherings, we’ve developed an online page for catching up on our event messages and signposting towards a range of helpful books, videos & podcasts that feel significant for Young Adults / Leaders right now. We hope that you find them encouraging and relevant, especially when it comes to deepening your faith and/or gathering, equipping & releasing a Remnant of Young Adults to live passionately for Jesus & to bring others into His Kingdom.

As well as that, go ahead and follow us on Facebook & Instagram @remnant.event for information on our upcoming events and for other initiatives.

Beautiful Resistance by Jon Tyson

We believe that God is stirring a Remnant of Young Adults to resist the culture, to sacrificially go after God and to believe for more. Go ahead and read this ‘rally-cry’ of a book - it’ll stir your faith. 

“There is a rumour going around the West that, in spite of the avalanche of change and the often-repeated accusation of irrelevance, a church has actually survived. Yes, she is broken. But she is here. Her Lord is at work within her. The bride is becoming beautiful. His presence is becoming more tangible. Beauty is rising & is resisting the brokenness. He will get the glory - but you and I can be part of the process…in this beautiful resistance”

Reappearing Church by Mark Sayers

The book focuses on the reality that throughout history, periods of decline in church traditionally precede powerful spiritual renewals - even revivals. With that in mind, Sayers then details key principles for renewal, such as this:

“Personal renewal precedes corporate renewal. Trace a revival back to its origins and you will inevitably find a person or handful of people moved by God. People who God took on a renewal process that first changed them before it changed others. All of us are called to walk the personal process of renewal before we help bring about corporate renewal in God’s purposes in our churches, families or organisations.

The Reason for God by Tim Keller

Increasingly our culture is marked by scepticism as it encourages people to “find their own truth” & to challenge the fundamental claims of religious frameworks like Christianity. And often as Young Adults, we find it hard to respond well to difficult questions like: 

Why does God allow suffering in the world? 

How could a loving God send people to hell? 

Why isn’t Christianity more inclusive? 

How can one religion be ‘right’ & others be ‘wrong’? 

If that experience resonates with you (or if you wrestle with these questions yourself), then read this. It’ll do you a world of good as you start to think about responding better in significant conversations with others about faith.